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Not A Programmer?
Not A Problem.

Using our Website Builder you can build an amazing website in just under an hour. Take advantage of designs created just for your industry and then customize them to reflect your one-of-a-kind idea.

Website Builder HostMonkee

Get Even More

Check out these other great tools to help with your online journey

Wordpress Hosting HostMonkee

WordPress Hosting

Our WordPress Hosting provides automatic setup, backups and software updates paired with 24/7, award-winning support. Get started in just a few clicks.

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SEO Service HostMonkee

SEO Tool Analysis

Our SEO tool analyzes your website and gives you step-by-step instructions on how you can optimize for Google®, Yahoo® and Bing®. All it takes is a few clicks.

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Website Builder

Create your website or online store in minutes and boost your bottom line with built-in marketing. Website Builder’s SEO and Email Marketing ensure your business gets found.

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Ecommerce Shopping Cart HostMonkee

Shopping Cart

Get started quickly selling products with your eCommerce shopping cart. Everything you need to open your own online store including FREE hosting.

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Email Marketing HostMonkee

Email Marketing

Connect with your clients and increase customer retention with Email Marketing. Works with Facebook, Etsy & More.

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Domain Transfer HostMonkee

Domain Transfer

If your current domain provider isn’t giving you the pricing, support and service you need, you want to consolidate your properties or it’s just time for a change — we can help.

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Trouble Deciding? We’re here 24/7 – (480) 624-2500

Frequently Asked Questions

Customers rely on our services to get their ideas online quick and painless!

HostMonkee offers more than just a platform to build your website, we offer everything you need to create an effective, memorable online presence. Already have a site? We offer hosting plans that will keep your site fast, secure and online. Our professional email helps you build a professional image, while our online marketing tools empower entrepreneurs to get online with an SEO-friendly website. HostMonkee is an all-in-one solution provider to get your ideas online, backed with expert, 24/7 support from HostMonkee.

Even small local businesses that only serve their hometown need a site. That’s because the web is the first place people go when looking for a product or service. A website helps every business:

▪︎ Promote and sell their products and services
▪︎ Connect with new customers (and keep existing customers)
▪︎ Build credibility
▪︎ Compete with bigger businesses
▪︎ Control their brand and keep their marketing fresh and current

Best of all, a website is much easier and more affordable than you might think. HostMonkee offers a complete selection of online tools for building websites, along with hosting, email and marketing options to grow your business on the web.

There are a lot of reasons to switch from your free email to a domain-based email, but here are the top 3:

1. Customers are much more likely to trust a professional address like [email protected] rather than [email protected].

2. Professional Email provides world-class security with industry-leading spam and virus filters.

3. Personalized email addresses promote your business more effectively. Every time you send an email, you are giving your web address to customers and prospects, encouraging them to visit your website.

Because it’s a fast, simple way to create a website that you, and your customers, will love. Simply type in your idea or industry and HostMonkee Website Builder will pull up a number of professionally designed, ready-to-launch templates. From there, just add your own text and images and you’re ready to go. And with dozens of features, from online appointment scheduling to a fully built-out eCommerce system, Website Builder can handle your business’ needs today and continue to grow with you.

HostMonkee offers reliable and affordable WordPress hosting plans, one-click installs and the latest version so you have the most recent features available for your site. Your website content is managed from one place; you have a wealth of themes and add-ons giving you limitless options to succeed.

There are a few different reasons. Our 24/7 support is always high on the list of why people move their presence to HostMonkee. Of course, our prices — including a free 1-year extension on many domain transfers — is another popular reason. And if you already have one or more of our products, transferring your domain, website or hosting to us lets you consolidate your web presence with one provider so it’s much easier to manage.